Azerbaijan Node

Name: Azerbaijan Future Studies Society, Azerbaijani Node of The Millennium Project

Date of launch: 2006

Institution hosting the Node: Azerbaijan Future Studies Society

Node Chair: Prof. Reyhan Huseynova, PhD in philosophy, Associated Professor at Western University (Baku, Azerbaijan), Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, Officier des Palmes Académique.

Objective: Azerbaijan Future Studies Society (AFSS) was established in January 2006 as a non-profit research center. This is the first research center of such kind in Azerbaijan with the aim of studying the current trends and predicting the future ones.

Recent activities: Download activity report 2023 (PDF)

Azerbaijan Future Studies Society incorporates in itself a group of professional experts and analysts who use international models of future studies and analyze the development trends for Azerbaijan as well as for the whole Caucasus region. AFSS combines various interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the future, such as political, economic, social, cultural, geopolitical analysis as well as the consideration of such factors as mentality, history, regional conflicts, security issues and global trends. AFSS takes a careful view at all exiting variable and studies the risks and challenges to the predicted forecast. Finally, AFSS conduct various surveys, secondary data study, interviews, qualitative and quantitative researches for the purpose of full and complete study of the issue.

Node member:

  • Eldar Museibzade, political scientist, expert in strategic analysis
