Name: Nodo Mexicano. El Proyecto del Milenio, A.C.
Date of launch: 2004
Node Chair: Concepcion Olavarrieta. Foreign relations, economics and law
Objective: Foresight studies, collaborating with special groups for designing and supporting new mexican policies.
Recent activities: Download Activity Report 2023 in .pdf
- FUTURES Version 2 (English, published book)
- LatinoAmerica by 2050. Retos, escenarios y acciones (Spanish, published book)
- Mexico 2050. Challenges, Scenarios & Actions (Eng., published book)
- Futuro Mexico hacia by 2050 (Spanish, published book)
- Futures. World foresight encyclopedia dictionary (Eng., published book)
- Prevention Ecosystem Against Transnational Organized Crime (project in progress)
- Foresight researches and talks around the world on different topics.
Node members:
- Yadira Ornelas
- Guillermo Gandara, PhD in Economics, teacher at the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey
- Jorge Máttar, PhD in Economics, director of Centro Tepoztlan
- Margarita Arroyo, PhD in Information Society and knowledge, specialized in education
- Tomas Miklos, Chemical Engineer, PH D in Science and Psychology and specialized in education and climate change
- Mauricio Valdes, Lawyer, MBA in politics
- Marco Antonio Moreno Castellanos, Marketing and MBA in Strategic Foresight
- Ramón Pérez Gil Salcido , PhD in Biology, specialized in water issues
- Oscar Diego Bautista, lawyer specialized in public ethics,
- Jose Franco, PhD in Physics
- Gema León, Health Manager MBA in Strategic Foresight, specialized in health issues
- Antonio Alonso Concheiro, Mechanical Electrical Engineer and PhD in Control Engineering, futurist
- Julio Millan Bojalil, Economist and futurist
- Guillermo Prieto Fortun, Economist and futurist
- Ramon Santoyo, Lawyer and MBA in Business School
- Jose Luis Mateos, PhD in Physics
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