RIBER Network

Name: RIBER, Ibero-American Futurists Network

Date of launch: 2014

RIBER President: Guillermo Gándara Fierro, Professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey and member of the Mexico Node.

Board of Directors:

Description: The Ibero-American Foresight Network (RIBER) is a public interest, non-profit, pluralist, non-partisan organization open to the voluntary participation of Ibero-American people and institutions interested in Futures Studies and Strategic Foresight.

Vision: We are a leading network in foresight and a regional and international reference for the exploration of futures in Ibero-America, recognized for its ability to generate innovative knowledge, influence public and private policies, articulating in a global and synergistic way, dissemination initiatives, research, training, in the field of Futures Studies and Strategic Foresight.

Mission: To be a network with a humanistic and holistic perspective that contributes to well-being and sustainable development through the dissemination of knowledge and applications of Futures Studies and Strategic Prospective, in the political, economic, social, scientific, cultural, territorial, environmental fields. and innovation, for anticipatory governance of Ibero-America.


  • Promote regional collaboration through platforms and collaboration forums for the exchange and co-creation of knowledge and exchange of best practices in Futures Studies and Strategic Foresight among Ibero-American countries.
  • Disseminate and promote the study and application of Futures Studies in its various approaches and in Strategic Foresight tools.
  • Facilitate interaction between foresight professionals, policymakers, academics, and students of the discipline.
  • Develop a community of competencies, concepts, methods, and practices in the area of ​​Futures Studies in its various approaches and Strategic Foresight.
  • Contribute to the collective learning of regional actors in the development of their foresight skills, providing them with references of the best practices existing in the region and internationally.
  • Influence public and private policies by providing forward-looking recommendations to policymakers in member countries.

Recent activities:

Annual RIBER conferences in Mexico (2024), Bolivia (2018), Mexico (2017), Colombia (2016), Dominican Republic (2015), as well as virtual meeting

Some recent publications:


  • Arnoldo de Hoyos. Chair Brazil Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Beatriz Bechara de Borge. Chair Caribbean Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Carlos von Marschall Murillo. Chair Costa Rica Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Concepcion Olavarrieta. Founder chair Mexico Node of The Millennium Project, V.P MO Board, Foreign relations, economics, and law (previously Co-chair).
  • Francisco José Mojica. Chair Colombia Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Fernando Ortega. Chair Peru Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Gabino Ayarza Sánchez. Chair Panama Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Héctor Casanueva. Chair Chile Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Ibon Zugasti. Chair Spain Node of The Millennium Project, Director of Prospektiker, Member of the MP Board (previously Co-chair)
  • José Louis Cordeiro, Chair, Venezuela node, V.P. Humanity+, Futurist, visionary, transhumanist (previously President).
  • Lydia Garrido. Chair Uruguay Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Marcelo Ramírez. Co-chair Chile Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Mario Antonio Carbonero. Chair El Salvador Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Miguel Angel Gutierrez. Chair Mendoza, Argentina Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Rosa Alegria. Co-chair Brasil Node of The Millennium Project.
  • Verónica Ágreda de Pazos. Chair Bolivia Node of The Millennium Project.
