December 15, 2014 – Millennium Project veröffentlicht Bericht „2014 State of the Future“, BLICKPUNKT ZUKUNFT Ausgabe 61, January 2015; article on the 2014 State of the Future (in German)
December 1, 2014 – Press Release: Will Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Nanotech, Synthetic Biology and Other Forms of Futuristic Technology Replace More Work than They Create? The Millennium Project is launching a new study to explore global long-term structural unemployment, new forms of work, futuristic economics, and strategies for governments, corporations, universities, NGOS, and individuals to pursue for improving global prospects
November 27, 2014 – Press Release: 2013-14 State of the Future named “Book of the Month” for November 2014 by Global Foresight Books. This “report card on the future of the world” is the accumulated intelligence over 17 years from more than 4,500 futurists, business planners, scholars, and other thought leaders selected by 50 Nodes of The Millennium Project around the world
November 25, 2014 – Book of the Month: Millennium Project, 2013-2014 State of the Future, review by Michael Marien, for publication in World Future Review, 6:4, Winter 2014 (WFS/Sage) and CADMUS (World Academy of Art and Science)
November 13, 2014 – Book Review: The State of the Future 2013-14 by Linda McDonald Glenn, humanity+
October 17, 2014 – Future of Cities Network Launched in Europe — Press release about the Millennium Cities Network that has been launched by The Millennium Project European Nodes at the 2014 Ljubljana Forum on the Future of Cities.
October 8, 2014 – Vocabulary Building for Foresight Professionals, review of the FUTURES: World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary published in The Futurist, November-December 2014 (Vol. 48, No. 6) issue.
October 7, 2014 – The Symbiotic Life-TECH Institute International Conference organizes the Symbiotic Life International Conference, October 7-10, 2014, in Seoul, Korea. Sveral Millennium Project Planning Committee members attend the conference and present the Futures Research Methodologies to Korean MP members.
September 25 , 2014- Directivo de la SUBDERE forma parte del Consejo Chileno de Prospectiva Estratégica [Directing SUBDERE is part of Chilean Council of Strategic Foresight] article about the UN ECLAC seminar on the future of the region in general and Chile specifically, with the participation of The Millennium Project’s CEO and many other Millennium Project Node Chairs and collaborators
September 23 , 2014 -article: Incorporar Estudios de Futuro en las Políticas Públicas: Una Necesidad que Debe Asumir América [Incorporating Future Studies in Public Policy: A Need America Should Assume], announcing the ECLAC seminar Latin America and the Caribbean in 2030, September 24-25, 2014, at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
August 15, 2014 -Press Release – A US-China 10-year Apollo-like Goal on Climate Change proposed by The Millennium Project’s CEO at the 35th Anniversary of renewed U.S. and China diplomatic relations
July 31, 2014- State of the Future – by Steve Killelea, Institute for Economics & Peace, through; review of the State of the Future Index
July, 2014-Press Release- World’s First Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary Available to the Public
July, 2014- Expertos: Cambios sociales no pueden ser ajenos a distribución published by Patria Reyes Rodríguez for Listin Diario
June, 2014- El informe Estado del Futuro 2013-14 analiza las perspectivas futuras para la humanidad published by TU Lankide
June, 2014- Annual Report Card on Our Future published by Rick Docksai, The Futurist.
June, 2014- Arabic Executive Summary of the 2013-14 State of the Future published in a Kuwait newspaper.
May, 2014- Future Imperfect. Essential Reading; Important New Strategic Literature, Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy. Review of the 2013-14 State of the Future, by Gregory Copley, editor in chief
May 24, 2014- Book Review: 2013-14 State of the Future by: Leonard David for Space Coalition.
May 14, 2014- What Future for Europe? The Millennium Project Nodes and Collaborators Plan New Initiatives in the Framework of the EU 2020 Strategy. Improving regional foresight and Bled Forum on the Future of Europe were the focus of the European Millennium Project Nodes Initiative and European Regional Foresight College Meetings held recently at the European Parliament.
May 12, 2014- ¿Cuál es el futuro de la humanidad? Los venezolanos también debemos estar al tanto de las fronteras del pensamiento mundial. Jose Luise Cordeiro. EL UNIVERSAL
May 05, 2014-Press Release- What Future for Colombia? The Millennium Project to Discuss Potential Futures Just Before the Country’s Upcoming Presidential Elections
March 31, 2014-Press Release-The Federal Senate of Brazil Invited the Director of the Venezuela Node of The Millennium Project to Discuss Latin America 2030
March 20, Report Release- Report Release: 2013-2014 State of the Future at the The Woodrow Wilson International Center
March 18, 2014-Press Release- What are the Prospects for Humanity? Could be Great, Provided the Main Global Challenges Are Addressed, Shows the “2013-14 State of the Future” by The Millennium Project
March 16, 2014-Press Release- State of the Future report: Humans are doing OK, but nature suffers as a result – and we’ll pay for it by: The Independent
February 26, 2014-Press Release- Futurists plan worldwide 24-hour discussion to celebrate Future Day March 1 by: Kurzweil AI
February 25, 2014-Press Release- Futurists’ Worldwide 24-Hour Discussion to Celebrate World Future Day March 1st to be Hosted Online by The Millennium Project
January 27, 2014-Press Release- The Millennium Project Rated 6th Best Think Tank in the World
January 22, 2014-Press Release- Colonizing Mars Contest for National University Students Launched by the Venezuela Node of The Millennium Project