“Futuri (Im)possibili” Italian Conference – Sept. 28-30, 2023
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 19 September 2023
- Eleonora Masini, Italian Institute for the Future, Italy Node, Possible Futures, world futures day
The Italian Institute for the Future will host a national Italian Congress on “(Im)possible Futures” (a.t. “Futuri (im)possibilI”) in Naples, Italy, from September 28 to September 30, 2023, in partnership with the Italy Node of The Millennium Project and others.
The title recalls the ever-increasing difficulty of imagining futures other than those closely linked to the present and the consequent need to broaden our horizons by increasingly including components such as possibility, utopia, hope, and imagination in order to design new, only apparently impossible, futures.
The conference will host celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the institute, panels, workshops, and presentations with many experts in futures studies. Mara Di Berardo, Communication Director and Italy Node Co-Chair of The Millennium Project, will join two sessions of the event: the launch of the Italian translation of the well-known book by Eleonora Barbieri Masini, founder of the Italy Node of The Millennium Project and Chair for many years, called “Why Futures Studies?” (“Perché studiare il future?”), for which she signed the afterword (Sept. 29); and the panel on “Beyond forecasting: new horizons of futures studies” with a speech on the results of 2022 World Futures Day, a research project conducted with Simone Di Zio, Co-Chair of the Italy Node, and Lara Fontanella from the University of Chieti-Pescara, whose results have been recently admitted for publication on the Futures Journal.
For information on the congress, visit https://www.instituteforthefuture.it/futuri-impossibili/