Support The Millennium Project’s Work

A global think tank for a global future.

You can donate to The Millennium Project – as a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. 

What your donation supports:

Current studies
International Governance Issues for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – ongoing
Updating of our 15 Global Challenges – ongoing
Contact for information and contributions.

System for people to think together about the future
72 Nodes connecting global and local perspectives
Real-Time Delphi for rapid international assessment and feedback

Framework to understand and track global change
State of the Future reports that annually updates 15 Global Challenges

Educational contributions
Over 400 Interns (since our founding in 1996) trained from over 30 countries
Approximately 1,000 universities use The Millennium Project materials
Millennium Awards that has involved over a thousand students from around the world

Inclusive and participatory system to measure change
State of the Future Index – Global and National Indexes

Largest collection of methods to explore the future
37 Methods, 39 Chapters, 1,300 pages, internationally peer-reviewed

Global collective intelligence system on the future
Bringing it all together in one online platform … The Global Futures Intelligence System

We need a think tank on behalf of humanity. There are plenty of think tanks for countries, issues, and ideologues, but not for the general global situation. The World Bank does it for nation-state economics; the World Health Organization does it for health and disease, but how do you get the general picture of the world? The Millennium Project was founded in 1996 to be that global think tank. Since then it has been funded by public donations, UN organizations, governments, foundations, corporations, and NGOs. It needs your support to continue producing the annual State of the Future, develop Nodes (groups of individuals and organizations) around the world that connect global and local views, and other global futures research to help build a better future.

The Millennium Project is a US 501(C)(3) non-profit organization; hence, for US taxpayers, the donation is tax-deductable.

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